Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Chicago.. Rooftop Movie/Pulp Fiction at the Packing House, Three Days Grace, Live Hip Hop and Soul..

Jay Z and Beyonce reminder!  The 24th!!  www.ticketmaster.com

Its Rooftop Movie Night at the Packing House.  1113 W.  Randolph St., Chicago.  Tonight they are screening Pulp Fiction and they will hae $8 Jameson Milkshakes.  The movie starts at 8pm and there is no cover charge.  **There is a 360° view of the Chicago Skyline from this roof top also!!**

Three Days Grace is at the House of Blues.  329 Dearborn St., Chicago.  They perform at 6:30pm.  For more information and tickets you can look on www.ticketmast.com or www.houseofblues.com/chicago

Today is Free Admission Day at the Museum of Contemporary Art.  220 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago.  The museum closes at 8pm.

There will be live Hip Hop and Soul at Mixtape Tuesdays at Exedus II.  3477 N. Clark St. Chicago.  $7 to get in and $10 if you would like to perform.

There’s Live Jazz at M Vie.  1371 W. Grand Ave.  Get there about 8pm.

Go Play Loves!

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